#WeAreBariMelts Challenge
Matt Diehl
Weight Loss Transformation Story
Surgery type: Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy/Gastric Sleeve (VGS)
Surgery date: June 2016
Pre-surgery weight: 400
Current weight: 273
Here is a little bit more about Matt's WLS journey:
Hi, my name is Matt, and my entire life I struggled with obesity. When I hit the age 30 I reached 400 pounds! Knowing I was worth more than a heavy set stricken life and having a wife and two small little girls depending on me, I had to do something to get myself healthy and beat obesity!
After looking into weight loss surgery I choose to have a VSG (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) in June of 2016. I am happy to say that since entering a weight loss surgery program and having the surgery I have lost 127 pounds! I now currently weigh 273 pounds and I feel amazing. I finally feel like the dad my kids deserve to have, one that wants to get down on the floor and play with them! without feeling out of breath and tired all the time!
MY STORY GETS EVEN BETTER! Before having weight loss surgery I searched YouTube for a male perspective and found mostly all women who talked about their weight loss surgery journey. Before I had my surgery I thought - I should document this. So I started a YouTube channel called FIGHTING 400 which follows my journey pre and post-op from DAY 1. My channel has grown to around 3,000 subscribers in a year and I am now connecting with so many people from all over the country to sometimes the globe as a resource for both MEN and WOMEN looking into weight loss surgery! I also created an Instagram account to post daily photos of my journey and www.fighting400.com
I can honestly say the weight loss surgery community is a strong and beautiful one! I am honored to be a part of it!
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